Swiss German VMUG – 2018 Event / Meeting Agenda

Hello VMUG friends!

The management board of our VMUG discussed today the dates for our 2018 agenda. That was one of many things we want to do better in 2018 and beyond. You should get the information early so you can plan your agenda too. And we look forward to welcome you to our events.

The dates

Mark the following dates in the calendar:


The locations are sought due to the fairly central location and good accessibility of public transport and individual transport in the greater Zurich area. We are always looking for good venues that can accommodate at least 50 people and are equipped with a video projector (optional media systems with microphones and speakers). If you have suggestions, if you know a good location, then you are welcome to send us an email any time.


Also in the Topics, we will be putting our heads together within the Management Board in order to be able to offer you a diversified and interesting program. If any of you would like to present something, anytime! Are you currently working on an exciting project? Do you want to talk about good and bad times in the project? Do you know an interesting product that can not be withheld from the community? Then get in touch with us and we’ll look at it together. From the community to the community. It is important that it has to do with VMware (after all, we are a VMware User Group).

Stay tuned for more information soon!

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